We recognize the rights, expertise, and conservation roles of Indigenous Peoples and Local Communities (IPLCs) are essential to developing policies that work with them to safeguard the environment. We abide by the following policies:
- The acknowledgment of sovereignty and rights
- Respect for Land Rights: Ensure that IPLCs have sovereignty over their territory by acknowledging and respecting their rights to their land and resources.
- Assure that IPLCs have the freedom to approve or disapprove of initiatives that impact their lands and resources by implementing the principles of free, prior, and informed consent (FPIC).
- Cultural Sensitivity: Acknowledge and honor the spiritual and cultural ties that IPLCs have to their surroundings.
- Inclusive Decision-Making
- Collaborative Governance: Include IPLCs in all local and national decision-making processes.
- Co-Management Agreements: Create contracts that let IPLCs and governmental or conservation groups share management duties.
- Integration of Knowledge: Integrate scientific understanding with traditional ecological knowledge (TEK) to improve conservation initiatives.
Building Capacity: Assist IPLCs in becoming more capable of managing and governing the environment. - Sustainable Livelihoods
Economic Opportunities: Create and support sustainable economic opportunities for IPLCs that are compatible with environmental conservation.
Benefit Sharing: Ensure that IPLCs receive a fair share of benefits from the use of natural resources and conservation efforts.
5. Legal and Policy Frameworks Legislation: Develop and enforce laws that protect the rights of IPLCs and their environments.
International Agreements: Align with international agreements and declarations, such as the United Nations Declaration on the Rights of Indigenous Peoples (UNDRIP) and the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD).
6. Monitoring and Evaluation
Participatory Monitoring: Involve IPLCs in monitoring and evaluating the impact of conservation activities.
Adaptive Management: Use the results of monitoring to adapt and improve conservation strategies continuously.