Mr. Benjamin Edwards, the Project Officer at Green Innovation for People and Nature effectively partnered with the Youth Climate Council to deliver youth engagements on Climate Change in Ghana ahead of COP-27 in Egypt at the LOCAL CONFERENCE OF YOUTH. Mr. Benjamin Edwards, who doubles as the Asst. The Partnership Officer agreed with the Green Africa Youth Organisation to include Greenovature in the Youth Climate Council on September 15th, 2022.

Before the meeting, Mr. Benjamin Edwards joined the monitoring and evaluation group where he was tasked with reviewing policies and the effectiveness of youth initiatives. He presented a brief report and his working group which shall be delivered at COP-27. In addition to that, He met Joshua Alugnoa of GAYO to network and seek partnership towards the maiden GHANA WETLANDS SUSTAINABILITY CONFERENCE.

We at Greenovature do appreciate your effort and leadership. We are glad to follow your steps towards making the earth sustainable for the next generations.